DATE: 31/08/2022
TIME: 11:00 AM
Faculty Participated: Dr. V.S. Pahil (Director and Dean), Dr. O.P. Mehla (Professor
LPM), Dr. R.S. Pannu (Professor Economics), Dr. M.K. Rana (Professor Vegetable Sciences), Dr.
K.K. Vasishth (Professor, Agronomy), Dr. Akshay Kumar Vats (Asstt. Professor, Plant Breeding)
Kisan goshthi in Mullana village was organised on dated 31/08/2022 at 11:00 AM under RAWE internship programme. The function was well planned and organised by group of students placed for internship in Mullana under RAWE (Rural Agricultural Work Experience). Above mentioned faculty members/scientists from Department of Agriculture,MM(DU), Mullana and sarpanch Sh. Naresh Chauhan were invited by students for expert lecture and views on “धान की फसल में पराली प्रबंधन और गायों में गांठदार त्वचा रोग रोक थाम”. Dr. Akshay Kumar Vats hosted, introduced and invited various specialists of agriculture on stage. About 45 farmers attended this programme. Firstly, Dr. O.P. Mehla gave very informative talk on precautions and cure of lumpy virus skin disease in cows. Dr. M.K. Rana gave his expert lecture on management of vegetables and various crops in field. Dr. K.K. Vasishth gave his views on management of water/ irrigation in field crops. Dr. R.S. Pannu discussed about how economics of the field can be balance by minimising/ controlling the unnecessary expenses. Meanwhile, queries from all the farmers were answered by different experts. Honourable Director and Dean Dr. V.S. Pahil concluded the goshthi with his valuable suggestions. Sarpanch Sh. Naresh Chauhan gave vote of thanks to all the participants and ensured to organize such goshthis frequently in near future. Refreshment was arranged for all the participants. Few glimpses are shown below: