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Essay Writing Competition

We are pleased to inform you that Maharaja Agrasen Chair, MM (DU) Mullana is going to organize National level Essay Writing Competition in online mode on the Occasion of Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti on the topic:

Importance of the Ideology of Maharaja Agrasen in the Present Scenario.
The aim of the competition is to promote the great virtues of Maharaja Agrasen ji and to understand his teachings to lead a truthful and righteous religious path.

1. Junior category (up to Class- X, no lower limit).
2. Senior category (above Class- X, no upper limit).

General Guidelines for participant:
1.There is no registration fee.
2.Word limit is 800 to 1000 words.
3.Language can be Hindi or English.
4.Essay can be hand written or typed in word (Times New Roman, 12 pts). Accepted File formats: Word and PDF
5.Size of the file must not exceed 1MB.
6.File name must be your registration number.
7.All the participants will get e-certificates.

Last date of submission: 15-10-2023

Submission Form (Essay Writing Competition):

Cash prizes will be given to first three winners in each category as described in the attached Poster, All the details of the competition, guidelines are available on our official website of the university

You are kindly requested to share the above information among the staff members and students of your Institution for maximum participation in this competition.

For any query, please contact:

Dr. Vishal Gupta (9034343050), Dr. Shakuntala Singla (9466690108)
Dr. A. K Tripathi (8059930828), Dr. Sonia Goel (8059930830)

Admission Enquiry 2025-26

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