Parliament is a legislative body which deliberates, discusses and formulates the laws. It also amends the Constitution, controls the Executive and also performs some judicial functions. It represents the elected members of the people.Mock Parliament is an exercise to educate, teach and train the young minds about the functioning of the legislature. In America, Parliament is called Congress, whereas in Japan it is called DIET and Iran it is called Majles. Participants in the Mock Parliament represent the treasury benches and opposition benches. They are provided a draft of the bill in advance for which the discussion and deliberation is to be held before it is passed by the parliament to become a law. After the adjournment of the Mock Parliament the participants will be given cash prizes by judging their performance in the Mock Parliament session.
Agenda of Programme: “Agricultural Reforms in India: Current Trends”
Important Dates to Remember:
Date of Event: 9th April’ 2021
Last Date of Registration: 25th March’ 2021
8:50 AM- 3:50 PM
Committee Hall, Administrative Block, MMDU, Mullana
Organized by :
Department of Law, MMDU, Mullana