Department of Students Welfare, MMDU presents Ammunation 2020 Online Events. From the comfort of your home, participate in as many events as you can, without the burden of missing classes for practice sessions and preparation for participation. We have a piece for the interest of all our students ranging from essay writing to poetry to motivating youth with your melodious voice and meaningful choreographies.
So, step up and participate.
1. Motivational essay writing competition (150 words). The essay has to be typed and in soft copy. Do not send scanned / photos of hand written works.
2. An online poetry competition on the theme, “Together we can, together we have to”. The focus should be on the ongoing pandemic. Number of words should not exceed 100. The poetry may be either in English or Hindi.
3. 2 minutes elocution competition on the theme, “The learning outcomes after fighting Corona”. Record your video with decent backdrop.
4. Online mono-acting competition: 1 minute mono acting competition in which competitors are expected to enact very short acts focused on fighting the ongoing pandemic.
5. Online POSTER MAKING competition on making awareness about ongoing pandemic. The size of the painting has to be A4 size. Any painting medium can be used such as water colour, pastel colours, etc. Send scanned / high definition images of the hand made poster.
6. Online Dance competition: Records your 90 seconds video on any Motivational song with a decent backdrop. Any dance form is acceptable, however the song selected has to be exclusively a motivational number.
7. Online Solo Singing competition: Record your 90-120 seconds video with a decent backdrop performing on any Motivational based song.
8. Online photography contest on the theme, “Nature has healed itself in the lockdown period”. Students are required to send 3-5 photographs on the above said theme through mobiles phones or digital cameras. Editting of photos is not permitted
Submit your works to [email protected] latest by 30th April 2020. We shall publish the best of works on official platforms too.
Results will be announced on 3rd May 2020
For any queries, contact our student coordinator, Mr. Shubham Soni at 7015172182.
Certificate of Merit shall be awarded to the top 3 best performers while the certificate of participation shall be awarded to all participants after the University reopens.