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Webinar: How to Crack an Interview

Interview has always been a perplexed and fearsome nightmare among the candidates but on the contrary it is also taken as an approach to fetch out the essential traits and aptitude that is required to be the part of an organization. Good interview skills are consist of the managing and dealing with all ups and downs and contradictory situations and weaknesses in a candidate. How to tackle an interview is the most important aspect that a candidate (seeking for a good position in an organization) must know. In the same context M.M.I.C.T& B.M (Hotel Management), Maharishi Markandeshwer (Deemed to be University) Mullana is going to conduct a Webinar focusing on getting expertise in interview, sharpening skills and strength, tactics of dealing with most perplexed questions, stress management and adopting win-win approach. The motive of this Webinar is to deal with all verbal and psychological hits and bounces that put the candidates in quandary. It will for sure help to bring out the intrapersonal skills, various steps to counter the most confusing and smart questions and provide essential tips to ace your interview.

Organized by :

MMICT & BM (Hotel Management)

Web Platform Zoom :

Topic: Webinar on “How to crack an Interview “
Time: Nov 19, 2020 02:50 PM India

Meeting ID : 455 000 9490

Passcode : 9SHoI0

Organized by :

MMICT & BM (Hotel Management)

Organization Committee :


Ms. Rekha Kaushik                                              


Dr. Mahesh Uniyal

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Neha Sharma

Web Platform Zoom :

Topic: Webinar on “How to crack an Interview “
Time: Nov 19, 2020 02:50 PM India

Meeting ID : 455 000 9490

Passcode : 9SHoI0

Organized by :

MMICT & BM (Hotel Management)

Speaker :

Sanjeev Kumar Saxena

Dr. Sanjeev, MBA (HR), working as Additional General Manager (Learning & Development), Jaypee Hotel, Agra (Uttar Pradesh), India. He has more than 25 years experience of the industry as well as academics. He worked as Principal with IHM Silvassa, Trainer& HR Head at IHM Jodhpur.

Organization Committee :


Ms. Rekha Kaushik                                              


Dr. Mahesh Uniyal

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Neha Sharma

Web Platform Zoom :

Topic: Webinar on “How to crack an Interview “
Time: Nov 19, 2020 02:50 PM India

Meeting ID : 455 000 9490

Passcode : 9SHoI0

Organized by :

MMICT & BM (Hotel Management)

Theme: How to Crack an Interview

DATE: 19th November, 2020

TIME: 3:00pm -4:00pm

Speaker :

Sanjeev Kumar Saxena

Dr. Sanjeev, MBA (HR), working as Additional General Manager (Learning & Development), Jaypee Hotel, Agra (Uttar Pradesh), India. He has more than 25 years experience of the industry as well as academics. He worked as Principal with IHM Silvassa, Trainer& HR Head at IHM Jodhpur.

Organization Committee :


Ms. Rekha Kaushik                                              


Dr. Mahesh Uniyal

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Neha Sharma

Web Platform Zoom :

Topic: Webinar on “How to crack an Interview “
Time: Nov 19, 2020 02:50 PM India

Meeting ID : 455 000 9490

Passcode : 9SHoI0

Organized by :

MMICT & BM (Hotel Management)

Admission Enquiry 2025-26

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