Now-a-days, people face various diseases due to the environmental condition and their living habits. So the prediction of disease at earlier stage becomes important task. But the accurate prediction on the basis of symptoms becomes too difficult for doctor. The correct prediction of disease is the most challenging task. To overcome this problem data mining plays an important role to predict the disease. Medical science has large amount of data growth per year. Due to increase amount of data growth in medical and healthcare field the accurate analysis on medical data which has been benefits from early patient care. With the help of disease data, data mining finds hidden pattern information in the huge amount of medical data. For the disease prediction, we use machine learning algorithm for accurate prediction of disease. After general disease prediction, this system able to gives the risk associated with general disease which is lower risk of general disease or higher.
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M.M COLLEGE OF PHARMACY in collaboration with Nidus Technologies Pvt Ltd. Chandigarh