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Webinar: Data Science for Cyber Security, Recommendation System and Healthcare

This webinar will brief about “DATA SCIENCE FOR CYBER SECURITY, RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM AND HEALTHCARE “. Along with this it will discuss about some of the machine learning models and how to apply for the recommendation of movies, products to customers. The significance of machine learning for cyber security by supervised and regression models will be discussed. Besides, the data science applications healthcare will be discussed.

Theme: Data Science for Cyber Security, Recommendation System and Healthcare

Date: 11th September, 2021

Time: 11:00 am to 1 pm


How to recommend movies/products to users/customers using ML models

Types of recommendation system

Role of data science in cyber security

Case studies using movie dataset.

Organized by :

Computer Science and Engineering Department, M. M. Engineering College, (IIC-Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University)


Registration Link :

Organized by :

Computer Science and Engineering Department, M. M. Engineering College, (IIC-Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University)


Coordinator :


Registration Link :

Organized by :

Computer Science and Engineering Department, M. M. Engineering College, (IIC-Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University)


Convener :

Dr.Avinash Sharma (Convener)
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, M. M. Engineering College, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University),
[email protected]

Coordinator :


Registration Link :

Organized by :

Computer Science and Engineering Department, M. M. Engineering College, (IIC-Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University)


About Speakers :

Dr.J.Somasekarreceived a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTUA, Andhra Pradesh in 2017, and M.Tech. degree from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) , Surathkal in 2010. He is currently working as a Professor and HOD at CSE Department, Gopalan College of Engineering and Management, Bangalore.

He is an active resource person and has completed 33AICTE FDPs / STTPs/ ATAL FDPs/ National Webinars as a resource person/Speaker across India. He got all India Rank of 43 in the GATE exam with 98.4 percentile.  He has more than 13 years of experience in teaching and 6 years of experience in research. Besides, he is a  GATE exam trainer since 2011.  He has published 25research articles in leading journals (SCI & SCOPUS indexed), conference proceedings, and 2 international textbook chapters.  He is having 152citations with an h-index 7for his research publications. He is the reviewer for reputed international journals (SCOPUS)/International Conferences and session chair for five National & International conferences and Guest editor for two Journals.

He also received “Innovative Collaborative Researcher” award in Medical Imaging for research collaboration with Dr.Ching-Hao Lai, Director, ITRI,  Taiwan by WRC in association with United Medical Council. He has conducted various FDPs, AICTE STTPs, National Conferences/workshops/webinars. His current research interests include image processing, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics and ML for Cyber security.

Convener :

Dr.Avinash Sharma (Convener)
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, M. M. Engineering College, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University),
[email protected]

Coordinator :


Registration Link :

Organized by :

Computer Science and Engineering Department, M. M. Engineering College, (IIC-Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University)


Speakers Information :

Sr. No. Speaker Name Speaker Organization Designation
1 Dr. J.Somasekar Gopalan College of Engineering and Management, Bangalore. Professor & HOD of CSE

About Speakers :

Dr.J.Somasekarreceived a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTUA, Andhra Pradesh in 2017, and M.Tech. degree from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) , Surathkal in 2010. He is currently working as a Professor and HOD at CSE Department, Gopalan College of Engineering and Management, Bangalore.

He is an active resource person and has completed 33AICTE FDPs / STTPs/ ATAL FDPs/ National Webinars as a resource person/Speaker across India. He got all India Rank of 43 in the GATE exam with 98.4 percentile.  He has more than 13 years of experience in teaching and 6 years of experience in research. Besides, he is a  GATE exam trainer since 2011.  He has published 25research articles in leading journals (SCI & SCOPUS indexed), conference proceedings, and 2 international textbook chapters.  He is having 152citations with an h-index 7for his research publications. He is the reviewer for reputed international journals (SCOPUS)/International Conferences and session chair for five National & International conferences and Guest editor for two Journals.

He also received “Innovative Collaborative Researcher” award in Medical Imaging for research collaboration with Dr.Ching-Hao Lai, Director, ITRI,  Taiwan by WRC in association with United Medical Council. He has conducted various FDPs, AICTE STTPs, National Conferences/workshops/webinars. His current research interests include image processing, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics and ML for Cyber security.

Convener :

Dr.Avinash Sharma (Convener)
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, M. M. Engineering College, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University),
[email protected]

Coordinator :


Registration Link :

Organized by :

Computer Science and Engineering Department, M. M. Engineering College, (IIC-Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University)


Admission Enquiry 2025-26

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