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Educational Field Visit by Nursing College

Everyone has the right to have dignity and respect, but some people didn’t get these rights. So, people and government took initiatives to protect their rights. Orphanage homes, old age homes, Blind school, Leprosy Home enables the person to protect his/her rights and have support from their groups others whereas Naturopathy enables the person to promote health and prevent diseases, treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care, and more. As a part of the curriculum requirement, M.Sc. Nursing 1st-year students conducted an educational field visit in Santan Dharam Blind School Home, S.D. Naturopathy, Jeevan Dhara Old Age home, Mercy Home and Haryana Kusht Asharam, Ambala, Haryana on 18th May to 19th May, 2023 for B.Sc. Nursing 4th year students of M.M. College of Nursing. They encountered a good exposure and great learning experiences as they get to know about different living styles of persons and get the chance to explore their thinking and creativity. 

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