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6-day Bootcamp on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The Institute organized a 6-days “Bootcamp on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” in online mode from17.01.2022 to 22.01.2022 for the Faculties, Research Scholars and Students. The resource persons were Mr. Vishal Singhal, Co-founder, CellStrat AI Lab, Bengaluru and Ms. Urvashi Bansal, Data Scientist, CellStrat AI Lab, Bengaluru. They had begun to discuss from basics of Python with its libraries followed by demo of CellStrathub platform was given which can help machine learning enthusiast to build their projects. Ms. Urvashi gave a demo of machine learning algorithms and deep learning algorithms. The participants were able to learn basics of Python, machine learning and deep learning. They were able to learn to make machine learning project through live demo. Many participants had raised their queries in the session and all these queries were successfully resolved by the resource persons with suitable examples. The totals of 88 participants attended the bootcamp out of which 56 were students and 32 were faculties from different institutes from MM(DU), Mullana.

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