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CME Cum Workshop On Parkinson’s Disease

A CME workshop was organized by MMIPR in Lecture theater(LT -2) in which Dr. Nicole Dsouza, Incharge, Physiotherapy, Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorder Society (PDMDS), Mumbai, Dr. B.K Agrawal, Principal and Professor MMIMSR, Dr. Amit Mittal,  Vice Principal & Professor   Dept. of Radio-Diagnosis, MMIMS&R, Dr. Nitin Gupta, Assist. Prof. Dept of Gen. Medicine, MMIMS&R and Dr. Anjali Tiwari Assist. Prof., MMIPR were the speakers for the day. This workshop provided essential training to our graduates and post graduates on the treatment of Parkinson’s disease by Physiotherapy.

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Admission Enquiry 2025-26

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