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Report On Webinar Data Science For Cyber Security, Recommendation System And Healthcare

The Computer Science and Engineering Department, M.M.E.C., M.M.(DU)
organized a one day Webinar on “Data Science for Cyber Security,
Recommendation System and Healthcare” on the special occasion of Founders Day on 11.09.2021 for the Faculty, Research Scholars and Students. The resource person was Dr. J. Somasekar, Professor & HOD of CSE, Gopalan College of Engineering and Management, Bangalore. He had
discussed the machine learning models and how to apply for the
recommendation of movies, products to customers. The significance of machine learning for cyber security by supervised and regression models besides; the data science applications healthcare was also discussed. Many of the participants had raised their queries in the session and all these queries were successfully resolved by the resource person with suitable examples.
A total of 120 participants (Students: 65, Faculty: 52, and Research Scholars: 3) from different institutes from different states of the country.

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