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Webinar on “Foundations of AI and Data Science”

MMICTBM organized Webinar on “Foundations of AI and Data Science” on 05-03-2023, from 02:00 pm onwards conducted in hybrid mode through Google Meet. Dr. Savita R. Gandhi, Ex- Professor and Head, Dept of Computer Science, Gujarat University, Senior Member IEEE, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, served as the resource person. The event began with an opening address from Principal Dr. Sumit Mittal and an introduction by Dr. Chandani Sharma. Dr. Gandhi covered various aspects of AI and Data Science, including history, types, applications, and live examples. The webinar explored trends in Data Science, including data mining and analytics tools. Attended by MCA 2nd and 4th-semester students, along with faculty members, and online participants, the total attendance reached 182 students and 08 faculty members. The event was deemed well-attended and insightful.

Admission Enquiry 2025-26

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