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CDE Program on “Latest Endodontic Updates”

A CDE Program on “Latest Endodontic Updates” by Dr. P.D.Joshi was organized by Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodonticson 5th December 2019 which was attended by10 faculty members of department of conservative dentistry. A lecture on “Wave one gold file System” was delivered followed by case discussion and Hands on using the same file system. Dr.P.D Joshi is an eminent Endodontist practicing Since 1983, associate with Lilavati Hospital since 2001 as head of Dentistry .He has given number workshops on Microdentistry especially for FODI and is the first one to give live Demo on patient on Molar Endo and Retrieval of Broken instrument , molar apicectomy, perforation sealing etc at Various Conferences. He is first one to introduce Microscopic Endodontics in India. He is on the advisory Board of Famdent. He is on the panel of Bhabha Atomic Research Center as Consultant Endodontics. He is a consultant lecturer at Zeiss- MUHS Micro dentistry deptt. at Governement Dental college, Mumbai.

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