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Fit India Movement

NSS units of MMDU has organized Fit India Movement campaign in MM(DU) campus on 29th August, 2019. Hon’ble Prime Minister launched a nation-wide Fit India Movement and addressed the people and also administered a fitness pledge. A similar campaign at MMDU aimed to encourage students to inculcate physical activity and sports in their everyday lives.

Hon’ble Prime Minister in his address focused on the importance of fitness in our daily routine and advised the people of all ages of society specially youth to inculcate fitness in their daily routine. He emphasized on the motto that fitness is the key to success.

All Faculties members and students participated in this movement and viewed the live telecast of the Event from New Delhi on Doordarshan at 10:00 AM and also participated in the Pledge taking event. Many physical and sports activities including Cricket, Volley Ball, Marathon, Yoga, Kho Kho, Football, Badminton etc. were organized for fitness of the students. They were further encouraged for adapting regular physical and sports activities for healthy life.

We hope that Fit India will be a movement which will take the nation forward on the path of fitness and wellness and will provide a unique and exciting opportunity to work towards a healthier India. With this aim, NSS volunteers organized various fitness programs and will continue to work in this direction in the interest of the students, faculty and other staff of the University.

Total 350+ volunteers were participated in this event.

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